Budget Friendly or More Expensive Investigator?

Anderson & Co Surveillance & Private Investigations

Cheap And Cheerful, Versus, More Costly And Expensive Private Investigator?

In the world of private investigations, the adage "you get what you pay for" often holds true. When seeking the services of a private investigator (PI), you will most certainly come across a wide range of options, from cheap, budget-friendly investigators, making all sorts of unrealistic and wild promises, to more expensive, verified, and legitimate professionals.

Understanding the differences between these two ends of the spectrum can help you make a better-informed decision and is really very important. This blog, will explore and compare the two, and the various factors that distinguish a cheap private investigator from a more costly, but reliable, professional and legitimate private investigator.

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Qualifications and Experience

One of the primary differences between cheap and expensive private investigators lies in their qualifications and experience.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Typically, a cheaper Private Investigator may have minimal formal training or experience. They might be new to the profession or lack specialized skills. While they may be eager to take on cases, their lack of experience could lead to mistakes or oversights, which in turn, may cost you more, as repeat surveillance sessions or checks, may be required due to a compromise, or lack of evidence obtained.

  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: On the other hand, a verified and legitimate PI often comes with a wealth of experience, certifications and qualifications. They have likely undergone extensive training and have a track record of positive and successful cases. Their expertise allows them to handle complex situations with confidence and precision, which will often be reflected within their pricing structure. They will have a better understanding of exactly what is needed to give you the clarification and answers you need.


Certifications and Affiliations

Certifications and affiliations are crucial indicators of a private investigator's credibility.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: In some instances, cheaper investigators might not hold the necessary qualifications and affiliations required. While here in the UK the industry is still unregulated, it is good and professional practice to hold certain industry qualifications and affiliates. This lack of credentialing can not only compromise the quality of the investigation but also put you at legal risk. If the cheap Private Investigator, with no limited company, nor any social media or Google maps listing wants to take your money and run, or produces below par footage and evidence, you’ll have little to no chance of getting a refund, or them being held accountable for their unprofessional actions, such is there lack of industry connections, affiliations and true identity.


  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: A more costly Private Investigator is usually fully certified, adhering to all the legal standards. They are more likely to be transparent with who they are, sharing their professional backgrounds on sites such as LinkedIn and other social media platforms. These credentials and platforms demonstrate their commitment to maintaining professional standards and ensuring their work is both ethical and legal. It also means that they may be held accountable for any wrongdoing that may be caused. In turn, also creating an element of trust and transparency.

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Access to Resources and Tools

The resources and tools available to a private investigator can significantly impact the effectiveness and quality of their work.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Budget investigators may not have access to the latest technology or extensive databases. They might rely on free or outdated resources, which can limit the scope and accuracy of their investigations. They will often work as a lone wolf, with zero connections to the industry, training providers and so on.


  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: Premium Private investigators invest in cutting-edge technology and subscribe to comprehensive systems and databases. These tools allow them to gather more detailed and accurate information, enhancing the quality of their investigations. If I told you how much money my “kit bag” was worth, you’d probably not believe me. The same can also be said for many of the costly databases that are used by Private investigators and tracing agents.

Attention to Detail and Thoroughness

An investigator's attention to detail and thoroughness can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Due to constraints on time and resources, a cheaper investigator might rush through cases, potentially missing critical details. Their approach may be more cursory, focusing on quantity over quality. Again, there are certain things that Private investigators do, that can only be done through having industry training and experience. A cheap Private Investigator is unlikely to have any of that, and little to no knowledge of how to obtain evidence properly and professionally.


  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: A legitimate and more costly PI takes the time to meticulously analyse every aspect of a case. Their thoroughness ensures that no stone is left unturned, leading to more accurate and comprehensive findings. A more costly Private Investigator may recce and plan an investigation several days before. They may spend many hours or days meticulously planning for an investigation prior to it going ahead.

People Tracing | Background Checks | Surveillance

Professionalism and Ethical Standards

The level of professionalism and adherence to ethical standards can vary greatly between investigators.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Cost-cutting measures might lead cheaper investigators to engage in unethical practices, such as breaching privacy laws or using underhanded tactics. Such actions can jeopardize the integrity of the investigation and expose you to legal issues and complications.

  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: Reputable investigators adhere to strict ethical standards and operate within the bounds of the law. Their professional approach ensures that the investigation is conducted with integrity, safeguarding both their reputation and your interests.

Client Communication and Transparency

Effective communication and transparency are essential for a successful working relationship with a private investigator.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Budget Private investigators may not prioritize client communication, leading to sporadic updates and unclear reports. This lack of transparency can leave you in the dark about the progress and findings of the investigation. It’s not uncommon for these cheap Private investigators to paint a perfect picture, full of outlandish promises and guarantees, but once they have received payment from their clients, to then disappear, or become very distant and lack any sort of urgency and communication.

  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: A higher-priced Private investigator values clear and consistent communication. Often this may also be late at night or early hours of the morning. They provide regular updates and detailed reports, ensuring that you are fully informed at every stage of the investigation. Their transparency builds trust and fosters a collaborative and positive relationship.

Risk of Legal and Financial Consequences

Hiring a cheap private investigator can sometimes result in unforeseen legal and financial repercussions.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: The use of unethical or illegal methods by a budget investigator can lead to legal complications and financial penalties for both the investigator and you, the client. Additionally, the likelihood of obtaining inadmissible evidence is higher, which will most certainly hinder your case.

  • Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: A verified PI operates within legal boundaries, reducing the risk of legal repercussions. Their professional conduct and adherence to regulations help ensure that any evidence gathered is admissible in court, protecting you from potential complications.

Dedicated | Diligent | Discreet

Success Rates and Case Outcomes

The ultimate goal of hiring a private investigator is to achieve a positive and successful outcome for your case. The difference in success rates between cheap and expensive investigators can be significant. There also has to be a reasonable chance of a success. While a Private investigator can never guarantee what the outcome will be, we need to ensure that we have a reasonable chance of a positive and successful outcome. Sometimes client requirements are so far fetched, or unrealistic, we simply cannot assist. You may find a cheap Private investigator will take on such work, knowing that they can’t achieve the desired outcome for the client, but, don’t care, as long as they get paid! Phone hacking springs to mind. I talk to so many clients who have paid fraudulent and shady companies for a "phone hack", to be presented with absolutely nothing several days or weeks later. Firstly any sort of phone hacking is highly illegal here in the UK, and secondly, it simply cannot be done remotely. It's a common enquiry we get. I always clearly state the above, but sadly, there are often clients who have already fallen for this trap and lost large amounts of money! If it sounds too good to be true, it normally is!

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Due to their lack of experience, resources, and thoroughness, cheaper investigators may have lower success rates. Their findings might be incomplete or inaccurate, leading to unsatisfactory case outcomes.

  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: With their extensive experience, advanced tools, and meticulous approach, verified investigators tend to have higher success rates. Their comprehensive and accurate findings contribute to more favourable and positive case outcomes.

Long-Term Benefits versus Short-Term Savings

While the cost of hiring a private investigator is an important consideration, it's crucial to weigh long-term benefits against short-term savings.

  • Cheap Private Investigator: Opting for a budget investigator may save you money initially, but the potential drawbacks, such as incomplete investigations, legal risks, and unsatisfactory results, can outweigh these savings in the long run.

  • More Expensive, Verified Private Investigator: Investing in a verified and legitimate PI might require a higher upfront cost, but the long-term benefits, including accurate findings, legal compliance, and successful case outcomes, often justify the expense. The peace of mind and quality of service provided by a reputable investigator can be invaluable.

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Case Study: The Impact of Hiring a Cheap PI

Consider the hypothetical case of Sarah, who hired a cheap private investigator to look into suspicions of infidelity. The investigator, lacking experience and resources, conducted a superficial investigation. He failed to gather concrete evidence and used questionable methods, leading to inadmissible findings. Sarah ended up losing more money by hiring a second, more expensive but verified investigator to redo the investigation. The second PI's thorough and professional approach not only provided clear evidence but also ensured that the findings were legally sound.

Let's also talk about Hayley. She wanted to locate her biological father who she had never met. She chose to go with the first company she came across who were charging peanuts for the trace. She was handed a report, and was initially pleased with the outcome. Sadly, it quite quickly became obvious that the information was many years out of date. The "cheap company" she had hired, had merely copied and pasted information from a 192.com record, which was ten years out of date. Now, if she had rung around, she'd of had a better understanding of exactly how traces work, and how any professional investigator doesn't use such sites. It's also common for professional investigators to carry out discreet enquires, door knocks and further verification techniques, that take time and effort. If you are paying £30 for a trace, is the company going to carry out the above, with such a limited budget and therefore very little time allocated for the case? Probably not!


Choosing between a cheap private investigator and a more expensive, verified investigator involves more than just comparing costs. The differences in qualifications, experience, resources, professionalism, and ethical standards play a crucial role in the quality and success of the investigation.

While budget considerations are important, it's essential to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of each option. Investing in a verified and legitimate private investigator can provide peace of mind, accurate results, and long-term benefits that far outweigh the initial cost. When it comes to private investigations, the old saying often rings true: you get what you pay for!

My advice to anyone looking to engage in the services of a Private Investigator in the UK, is to ring around, please! Talk to different companies, get a feel for who you are talking to, ask questions, ask for samples of work and check them out online. Are they a limited company? Do they have a Google map listing? Do their reviews appear legitimate? Do they have industry affiliations? Discuss your budget and what you are prepared to spend. A professional and legitimate Private investigator may cost a little more, but they will always try to work within the budget set out, giving you different options to be considered, in order to obtain you the clarification, answers and evidence you need!

Leading | Established | Award Winning

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The rise of the internet and social media has revolutionized the way we connect with others. With just a few clicks, we can communicate with individuals across the globe, form friendships, and even fall in love. However, this unprecedented connectivity also brings with it a darker side: the proliferation of online deception. Two of the most pernicious forms of such deception are catfishing and online fraud, both of which can leave victims with deep emotional, financial, and social scars. The following article is a brief summary of the damages caused to victims of romance fraud! Dedicated | Diligent | Discreet Emotional Impact: The Hidden Wounds Catfishing involves creating a fake identity online to deceive others, often for romantic or emotional manipulation. When the truth comes to light, victims of catfishing often experience a profound sense of betrayal. They have invested their time, emotions, and sometimes even their dreams into a relationship that was built on lies. This revelation can trigger a cascade of negative emotions, including: Betrayal: Discovering that someone they trusted has lied to them can be devastating. Embarrassment: Victims may feel humiliated for being deceived, leading to a loss of self-esteem. Anxiety and Depression: The emotional turmoil can exacerbate mental health issues, extending the recovery period. These emotional wounds can take a long time to heal, impacting the victim's ability to trust others and form future relationships. Financial Consequences: The Cost of Trust Many catfishes' and online fraudsters seek not just emotional control but financial gain. They weave complex stories, often involving urgent need or emergency situations, to solicit money from their victims. This can lead to significant financial damage, characterized by: Monetary Loss: Victims may send thousands of pounds, believing they are helping a loved one in distress. Debt and Bankruptcy: In some cases, the financial strain can lead to overwhelming debt or even bankruptcy. Long-term Financial Stress: The financial ramifications can linger, affecting the victim's ability to recover and regain financial stability. The financial impact extends beyond the initial loss, often requiring victims to rethink their financial plans and seek assistance to recover. Leading | Award Winning | Established Social Ramifications: Isolation and Trust Issues The social consequences of falling prey to catfishing or fraud can be profound. Victims may feel a sense of shame and embarrassment that makes it difficult to seek support from friends and family. This isolation is compounded by: Erosion of Trust: The betrayal can make it hard for victims to trust others, affecting their social interactions. Strained Relationships: Existing relationships may become strained as victims struggle with their emotions and trust issues. Loneliness: The fear of being deceived again can lead to social withdrawal and loneliness. This social isolation can create a vicious cycle, where the lack of support further hinders recovery. Legal and Personal Safety Issues: Navigating the Risks In extreme cases, catfishes' and fraudsters may engage in threatening behaviour or blackmail, especially if they have obtained sensitive personal information. The risks include: Blackmail: Threatening to reveal personal information unless their demands are met. Identity Theft: Misusing personal information to commit further fraud or theft. Personal Safety: In rare cases, the perpetrator may have malicious intentions beyond online deception, posing a real threat to the victim's safety. Navigating these legal and safety issues can be complex and may require professional assistance, including legal action and cybersecurity measures. Local | National | International Recovery and Support: Steps Towards Healing Recovery from the effects of catfishing and fraud is a multifaceted process. It often requires: Emotional Support: Counselling and support groups can provide a safe space for victims to express their feelings and start the healing process. Financial Recovery: Seeking financial advice and creating a plan to address any debts or financial losses. Building Trust: Slowly rebuilding trust in others, with the understanding that not everyone online has malicious intentions. Professional help can be crucial in navigating the recovery journey, offering the necessary support and strategies to move forward. Prevention: Staying Safe Online While it’s impossible to eliminate all risks, individuals can take steps to protect themselves from catfishes' and fraudsters. Key preventive measures include: Verification: Verifying the identity of online acquaintances through video calls or trusted third parties. Guarding Personal Information: Avoiding sharing sensitive personal information with individuals met online. Awareness and Education: Staying informed about common online scams and warning signs. Reporting Suspicious Activity: Reporting potential fraud or catfishing activities to the appropriate authorities and platforms. By staying vigilant and informed, individuals can reduce their risk of falling victim to online deception. The landscape of online interaction is ever-changing, and while it offers incredible opportunities for connection, it also requires us to be cautious and informed. Understanding the effects and damages caused by catfishes' and fraudsters can equip us with the knowledge to protect ourselves and support others who may be affected. Recovery is possible, and with the right tools and support, victims can rebuild their lives and regain trust in the digital world. It's also important to remember, if something doesn't feel right, then it isn't. If you have concerns and feel that you may be a victim of catfishing and romance fraud, then don't hesitate to get in touch! Don't live with doubt. There's a good chance we will be able to give you the answers and clarification you need! People Tracing | Background Check | Surveillance Specialists
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The Role Of Private Investigators: In the modern corporate landscape, the issue of fake employee sickness has become a growing concern for businesses of all sizes throughout the UK. It costs companies ten's of millions of pounds every year and effects companies of all sizes. While the majority of employees genuinely require sick leave to recover from illnesses, there are instances where some might misuse this privilege. There are some instances where an employee may not be sick at all. This phenomenon not only affects productivity but also creates an environment of mistrust within the workplace. To combat this, many companies are turning to private investigators throughout the UK to uncover instances of fake employee sickness. We have seen a huge demand in such cases, more so throughout the last two years, post pandemic! Leading | Established | Award Winning In this blog, we delve into the world of employee sick leave fraud and explore the crucial role that private investigators play in detecting and gathering evidence of such deceitful practices. Understanding the Impact of Fake Employee Sickness: Fake employee sickness involves employees falsely claiming to be ill in order to take unplanned time off from work. This not only affects the overall productivity of the company but also disrupts team dynamics, strains resources, and can lead to resentment among colleagues who have to shoulder extra responsibilities. It will often be a financial drain too. Common Signs of Employee Sick Leave Fraud: Detecting fake sick leave can be challenging, as some employees are skilled at feigning illness. However, certain patterns and behaviours might indicate fraudulent claims. These include frequent Monday or Friday absences, unverified medical certificates, inconsistent symptoms, and a history of similar patterns. We find with most of our cases reports of fraudulent claims usually come from within, where one employee has gotten wind of it and then reported the 'rumours' to the hierarchy above. Dedicated | Diligent | Discreet The Role of Private Investigators - What can we do? Private investigators bring a specialized skill set to the table when it comes to uncovering fraudulent sick leave claims. We use a combination of surveillance, background checks, and investigative techniques to verify the authenticity of an employee's claim. This might involve discreetly observing the employee's activities during their alleged sick leave, cross-referencing medical documentation, and interviewing colleagues to gather evidence and intelligence. More often than not a few days surveillance with photographic evidence to go with, usually does the trick. Evidence provided can then then be used to proceed with an instant dismal if the employee is found to be making fraudulent claims about their health and mobility. We have also had cases where our client has taken legal action against the employee to recover salary paid long term under the illusion of being sick and incapacitated. Balancing Employee Privacy and Fraud Detection: While it's important to protect the company's interests, it's equally crucial to respect the privacy of employees. Private investigators must conduct our activities in compliance with legal and ethical guidelines to ensure that we do not infringe upon an employee's rights. Striking the right balance between fraud detection and employee privacy is a delicate task. We must however ensure all our evidence is proof beyond reasonable doubt and admissible in a UK court of law if required. Prevention and Creating a Trustworthy Environment: To discourage fake employee sickness, companies can implement preventive measures. These include clear sick leave policies, requiring medical certificates for extended absences, and fostering a workplace culture where open communication is encouraged. By creating an environment of trust and transparency, employees are less likely to resort to fraudulent practices. In conclusion, fake employee sick leave poses a significant challenge to modern businesses. The role of private investigators in uncovering such deceit cannot be underestimated. By utilizing their skills and techniques, companies can maintain a productive workforce while fostering an environment of trust and accountability. However, it's vital to ensure that all investigations are conducted within legal and ethical boundaries to protect both the company's interests and the rights of the employees. If you suspect an employee may be fraudulently claiming sickness, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Birmingham based office to see how we my be able to help you. London | Birmingham | Manchester
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